Sudah dua bulan menyandang umur 23. Banyak hal yang disyukuri tapi gak sedikit juga yang disesali. Walau umur bukan tolak ukur dari keberhasilan, tapi hari ini lagi pengen minta maaf kepada diri sendiri atas banyak hal yang belum bisa dicapai diumur sebelumnya.
Maaf ya Pad, 23 tahun hidup tapi masih belum berani untuk jatuh hati dan patah hati, padahal kata orang mabuk cinta masa remaja itu hal yang paling manis untuk dikenang. Maaf ya, nyalimu hanya sebatas diam-diam suka. Tujuh tahun pula, udah lunas cicilan mobil wkwk.
Maaf ya semasa kuliah gak punya temen baru yang bener-bener akrab, juga males jalan-jalan keliling Malang. Maaf ya kamu masih sulit untuk percaya diri dan masih sering lupa mengapresiasi keberhasian-keberhasilan kecil.
Maaf juga, udah memasuki 23 tapi belum juga lolos panggilan kerja. Masih jadi beban orangtua, kadang gak tahu diri bangun sering kesiangan.
Terimakasih Pad, karena selalu berusaha (kecuali cintamu padanya yang emang gak pernah ada usaha wahaha). Terimakasih sudah mau bertahan dan belum menyerah dengan keadaan. Walaupun lebih banyak takutnya, terimakasih sudah mau mencoba walau kadang gak bertahan lama.
Jangan menyerah sekarang. Bisa jadi besok bakal jauh lebih jahat, jadi nyerahnya nanti aja.
Dari Pad untuk Pad
I don't know where to start this writing.
That's why people said you can't really have too much on anything. Too much feeling will made you miserable. Over sensitive is something i really wanna change, but failed in the end. It's there eating me alive. INFJ-T is a personality i sometimes not too proud of.
With so many things that happened in these months, i don't know anymore what really caused these pains. Is it because my irl problems, i overreacted over some kpop boys? Or is this kpop boys really have control over my mental health that it really affected my daily life?
Because whether i like it or not, i miss you today.
Isn't it funny how you missed over someone you never met, who doesn't even know that you are exist? i don't really wanna validate this feeling, i feel like a teenager that don't even have other things to worry. I have so many things to worry. I have problems and really wanna run away to a place where no one knows me. But no, im not gonna talk about those problems.
Because indeed, i miss you today.
Just like before, i once again fall for this fan girling thing. I wanna laugh, really. Kpop indeed is a lingkaran setan. I don't wanna justify this pain, because somehow i feel ashamed. I really wanna shout that all of this are nonsense. this feeling isn't real.
But whether it's real or not, i miss you today.
I miss Wono a lot.
I've been avoiding everything about MX for more than 2 weeks now. I sometimes logged in my account just to check on if there will be news about him. I decided to go on a break cause i felt that i overreacted and too affected by Wono's leaving. I felt that it's really unhealthy to acted really miserable over some kpop boy that doesnt even know you. I felt like i swim on a pool of sadness that i can actually control in the first place.
so i want to control it in order to bring back my sanity.
But still, out of nowhere i miss you today.
I stopped listening to your albums for quite some time,
but still, i miss you today.
People said i only knew bits and pieces about you.
But still, i miss you today.
How are you doing? have you eaten yet? are you with your mom? We all know you are that hyper sensitive person. It's 3 am, you are not crying over a movie or some animal videos, arent you? have you phone called Kihyun? it's his birthday.
You know, it will be easier if you are really a bad person. I can just forget you and let it go.
So if you indeed not a good person, i really pray the universe reveals it soon.
But if it's not true at all, please remember you are not alone. Please remember you are loved by so many people. Please fight over your dreams that you've built for years.
Just like what Gitasav said, this canceled cultures is so f*cked up. So easy to said "you are canceled" over some wrongdoing that people did years ago and didn't even paid attention on the process and effort they have been doing to be better.
Wono, i miss you today.
i really hope you are surrounded by good people only.
i know, my life still have to go on. Not because you arent that important and you are "just some random kpop boy"
it's because bad things happen. Yesterday you might be all about flowers and rainbow, but the next day you might face the storms. it's okay not to be okay and to be stressed even over small things. But the next thing, you should know how to get up again.
It's not just some random kpop boy, because somehow i learned better about many things and about myself over some "kpop related stuff"more than my real lyfe problem itself.
I may miss you again the next day.
so I will write for you when it makes me insomnia again.
Seribu air muka. Sorot cemas, mata yang terkantuk, tawa yang meledak disela-sela raut kelelahan. Seribu cerita yang dibawa, hanya satu yang bisa kau tebak.
Sunyi tak lantas tergambar dengan jelas. Riuh tak lantas terdengar dengan nyaring. Apa yang terlihat tak lantas menjadi asumsi dari sebuah kebenaran.
Pulang dengan harap memulai sesuatu yang baru, tanpa menyelesaikan sesuatu yang dahulu. Pergi dengan harap merealisasikan segala yang belum terpenuhi, tanpa tahu jalan apa yang akan dilalui.
Lorong-lorong memuat segala cerita, yang tak sabar untuk diungkapkan selepas isya atau disimpan dalam pandora untuk waktu yang lama.
*Dibaca yaaw walau isunya sudah old story binggo
*dibaca yaww walau mungkin pengetahuan kalian sudah banyakk
The documenter is both a call for immediate action to stop global warming, and a cry for justice for the poor.
walaupun menolak bekerja di pertambangan dan perminyakan punya orang luar negeri sepertinya sungguh sulit untuk direalisasikan wkwkwk (gajinya cuyyy :")) masih banyak tips untuk kita belajar ikut andil dalam mencegah perubahan iklim ini. banyak kookkk di goggle, tapi kalo males, sini saya carikan wkwk :
1.pikirkan apa yang kita makan. usahakan tidak mabokk daging sapi. beli makanan atau bahan makanan yang less plastic. bawa botol minum sendiri *hemat cuyy*, kalo super rajin, ganti sedotan pelastik dengan alumunium*sudah banyak dijual di online shop. dan jangan lupa bawa tas kain instead of pakai pelastik dari supermarket atau pasarnya. beli makanan lokal *karena transportasinya tidak memakan banyak bensin dan polusi.
2. Listrik dikondisikan please. charger hape mohon dicabut dari colokan, tv juga, kipas angin juga. lampu kamar mandi dimatikan.
3. kalau kemana-mana tebengin teman kalau arahnya sama, kalau you tipe pelit seperti w, minta nebeng supaya bukan kita yang beli bensinnya wkwkwk. kalau tujuannya jarak dekat bisa jalan kaki, itung-itung olahraga dan diet.
4. pakai kertas bekas kalau cuma corat coret, jangan buang terlalu banyak air untuk mandi *kalau libur dan tidak berkeringat mandi sehari sekali saja asal sikat gigi dan cuci muka wkwkk.
5. dan masih banyak lagi, tapi itu aja dulu. kalau kata Tokopedia "mulai aja dulu" wkwk. ingat, little things do matter.
Jika biasanya saya akan menolak mentah-mentah ajakan kawan untuk berkumpul disaat besok akan bimbingan dan tugas belum selesai, kali ini saya membuat pengecualian. Sejenak bercengkrama dengan kawan yang membuat tawa saya menggema insyaAllah tidak ada salahnya. Walau saat pulang harus buru-buru buka laptop dan mengerjakan skripsi yang belum direvisi. Tak apa, yang penting hari ini semangat saya terisi kembali #pejuangskripsi