Once upon a time

By Padd - Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Once upon a time there was this girl who is anxious about centimental things. She once thought, in order to have a true friendship with someone, both should really have commitment to only befriend for each other. She once thought, she can only be best friend to someone that has a mutual feeling towards her too. People came by, she is nothing but happy. People are kind, so many people are kind. They are nice to her. But they are nice to others too. In so many years, she didn’t allow herself to labeled someone as a true friend.
Things happened. “People come and go. There are some that just gone with the wind. And there are some that stay like a strong branch. A true friend is not someone who will only be nice to you and put your picture on every social media they have. A true friend is allow to have another true friend. It’s okay if they put the same amount of care between you and others. And it’s really okay if they just think of you the same like their other friends. What is important is that they are the one who is there for you. They are the one who help you through all the problems in your life. They are the one who agree to help you whithout asking why, what, and those many question. You may fight a lot over a little thing. Play rude to each other and act like crazy in the time you met, but at least they are running to each other in sadness and goodness. Indeed that’s a true friend is for. Distance doesn't matter when you trust somebody to let them see your worse condition and your imperfect life".

And for that, she finally understand it’s okay to say she has a true friend without being anxious “does she feel the same about my existence?"

To cherish someone, you don’t need for their approval. You just cared for them, and that’s enough. and if finally they have to go out of your life, let it be as a good memories”. She is thankful for everything. for a 100th times, in her sincere hearts, thankyou very much for always be there everytime she needs help.

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