It’s simple just like
you --- > Part 3

Title : It’s simple
just like you
Author : Lee Ha Kyo
(fadlun nida)
Main cast : Jung eun
hye (imaginary), Lee jinki
Support cast :
Jesicca, kim kibum, Lee hyun won
Length : Sequel
Genre : Romance,
Humor, life
Rating : -15
I remember...
The way you glanced at me, yes I remember
I remember...
When we caught a shooting star,
yes I remember
I remember..
All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I
I remember..
All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn
Do you remember..?
When we were dancing in the rain in that december
And I remember..
When my father thought you were a burglar
I remember..
All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I
I remember..
All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn
I remember..
The way you read your books,
yes I remember
The way you tied your shoes,
yes I remember
The way you glanced at me, yes I remember
I remember...
When we caught a shooting star,
yes I remember
I remember..
All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I
I remember..
All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn
Do you remember..?
When we were dancing in the rain in that december
And I remember..
When my father thought you were a burglar
I remember..
All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I
I remember..
All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn
I remember..
The way you read your books,
yes I remember
The way you tied your shoes,
yes I remember
The cake you loved the most,
yes I remember
The way you drank you coffee,
I remember
The way you glanced at me,
yes I remember
When we caught a shooting star,
yes I remember
When we were dancing in the rain in that december
And the way you smile at me,
yes I remember
All my tweets for Uri SHINee maknae, Lee Taemin :D ->
Saengil cukka hamnida. saranghae Lee Taemin, Saengil cukka Hamnida. Happy b'day uri SHINee maknae. semoga tambah kece ngehehe
Happy Birhday Lee Taemin. uri SHINee maknae udah gede de de.. jangan lupa traktir semua fansmu *bangkrut dong taeminnya -__-
keep Loving all your Hyung yeah taemtaem
Taemtaem, walaupun kamu udah gede, jangan jaim jaim buat tampil cute ya *taemin: suka suka gue dong :p*
keep Loving Shawol forever yaa taemtaem
i hope you will learn from your past year and do a better thing start from now yaa taemtaem
keep Shining with uri SHINee ya Taemtaem
keep shining for your parents. keep shining for all your Hyung, keep shining for Shawol, keep shining for yourself ya taemtaem
when will you online bang onew? can you say to Taemin
Bang onew, suruh Teamin liat twitter doong. kalo perlu seret dia untuk buat twitter *sadis amat*
ulang tahun tanpa hyung itu serasa sayur tanpa garam
mudah mudahan minho syutingnya cepet. kasihannya si maknae. ulang tahun tanpa hyungnya T.T
Once again, Happy Happy 20th Birthday uri SHINee maknae, Lee Taemin :D

Do you know what??
I don’t give you a shit dude.
kenapo kenapo?? why why?? waeo waeo??
karena..... oke ini agak lebay. tapi saya senang hari ini
karena karena Abang onew unyu unyu online cukup lama di saat saya sedang
berpuasa. di saat saya sedang tidak punya tenaga apa apa. disaat para setan menggoda
agar saya buka puasa. di saat saya sempat berpikiran untuk keluar rumah dan
mencicipi sedikit saja air hujan itu ngehehehe. dan disaat godaan FF NC
bertebaran di layar laptop, finally.. bang Onew online mameeennnn!!! betapa
senangnya diriku saat itu #ebiyyaah lebay.
dan kejahilan saya pun muncul. akhirnya untuk mengusir
bosan, dahaga beserta lapar, saya tak henti hentinya mensyion bang onew.
muehehehe. parahnya sebagian text pake bahasa indo muahaha. kinger, klinger deh
bang onew bacanya.
'' bang artinya apa meneh tuh?? biarlah
daku tak tahu. yg penting good afternoon oppa :) @skehehdanfdldi ''
'' woy woy woy.. abang onew online woy.
ayo pada twitteran woy #sarap ''
'' pake bahasa inggris napa
bang @skehehdanfdldi ''
'' bang onew, mampirlah ke Indonesia.
indonesia has a lot of food from chicken. u will like it bang. suer gak boong
muehehehe @skehehdanfdldi ''
'' bang, jangan nyesel punya twitter yaa..
itu udah takdir twitter lu diserang fans pake berbagai bahasa.
muehehehe @skehehdanfdldi ''
'' bang onew, online sampe maghrib yaa..
menghibur orang yg lagi puasa itu dapet pahala loh
bang.muehehehe @skehehdanfdldi ''
'' bang, bagi bagi mention dong. apalagi
kalo bagi mention ama orang yg puasa. behhh.. dapet banyak pahala bang #modus
muehehehe @skehehdanfdldi ''
dan Alhamdulillah.. karena keasikan mention bang onew,
adzan maghrib pun berkumandang. buka puasa lah diriku ini. nah, setelah saya
buka puasa, tiba tiba TL bertebaran tentang 'OMG!! I love
onew's new hair style' and double
oke, saya perjelas. dari kemaren kemaren dulu para MVP-nama
fans bang onew-pengen sekali bang onew itu gunting rambut. karena yaa...
rambutnya udah gondrong gak pake banget ya ngehehe. tapi tetep kece loh
jadilah saya kemaren kemaren minta bang onew buat potong
rambut. salah satunya ini :
'' bang, rambut udah boleh dipotong tuh.
can you just cut your hair? it's already too long i think *that's my opinion ya
bang @skehehdanfdldi ''
dan double Alhamdulillah deh, bang onew mau mendengarkan
jeritan hati para fansnya *jiahh haha. He cut his hair pemirsah!! iya, cut his
hair!! alhamdulillah, sujud syukur #eh. dan inilah tweet kebahagian saya karena
bang onew sudah gunting rambut :
'' yeyyy yeyyy
yeeyy~ finally uri Onew cut his hair. look so kece to the max kata kartika
eonni xD trust us deh bang ''
bang @skehehdanfdldi MVP bener kan?? abang tambah ganteng plus kece pake
banget kalo gunting rambut. ur new hair style make u more handsome ''
'' bang, ur new
hair style is so DAEBAK. @skehehdanfdldi ''
And this is Bang Onew with his new hair style uu yeeyy~
And this is Bang Onew with his new hair style uu yeeyy~

Dan oleh karena itu saya sangat berbahgia pada hari ini.
ditambah lagi malam tadi maen hujan di atas motor sama ibu. tapi yaa ibu kira
helmku saya tutup, tapi seperti kata pepatah kesempatan tidak datang 2 kali,
saya tak mengindahkan perintah ibu untuk menutup helm. gossoomoo.. rain, u're
mine now. mueheheheee.
So, like this day so damn much \m/
cukup sekian dan terimakasih #gak kece banget penutupnya
jadi, cara mainnya adalah: mam Nur akan merangkai sebuah kalimat yang setiap katanya sama jika di ucapkan. kalimat tersebut akan diulang sebanyak 5 kali. but trust me, 5 times is not enough loh saking cepetnya mam Nur ngomong. oke, ini kuis hari ini :
1. one one was a race horse. two two was one too. one one won one race. two two won one too.
2. if you understand say understand. if you don't understand say don't understand. but if you understand then you say don't understand, how do i know that you understand, understand??
hening sesaat *krik krik -,-
jika kalian berada di tempat kejadian, maka rasakanlah euphorianya readers. emosi, geregetan, semuanya campur aduk #eeaaaeeeaaa muehehehe.
sekian dan terimakasih #entry gaje _._
I can still see you
standing there
Summer tangled in your hair
First week of July
First day of my life
My voice shook when i said hello
And from that word, i couldn't take it slow
I still can't believe
The way you looked at me
Now the nights turn colder
Your head's on my shoulder
We do our best to pretend
Waves get louder
I'm lost without her
As summer starts to end
Let's blame it on September
'Cause it hurts to remember
We can fight to hold on
But August is gone
And even if the sun falls
I hope we don't lose it all
'Cause no summer lasts forever
Just blame it on September
We drew hearts there in the sand
Laughed when waves erased our plans
No, we never knew
But they told the truth
I can still hear our laughing friends
As we sneak off again and again
No we never cared
Too young to be scared
[- From: -]
The nights turn colder
Your head's on my shoulder
As summer starts to end
Let's blame it on September
'Cause it hurts to remember
We can fight to hold on
But August is gone
And even if the sun falls
I hope we don't lose it all
'Cause no summer lasts forever
On the beach
In the heat
You know i need that sweet ocean air
I'm gonna go
Where i know we can be alone
I'll wait for you
Wait for you there
Blame it on September
We can try to hold on
But August is gone
Blame it on September
'Cause it hurts to remember
We can fight to hold on
But August is gone
When the sun falls
I hope we don't lose it all
'Cause no summer lasts forever
Lat's blame it on September
Blame it on September
I can still see you standing there
Summer tangled in your hair
Summer tangled in your hair
First week of July
First day of my life
My voice shook when i said hello
And from that word, i couldn't take it slow
I still can't believe
The way you looked at me
Now the nights turn colder
Your head's on my shoulder
We do our best to pretend
Waves get louder
I'm lost without her
As summer starts to end
Let's blame it on September
'Cause it hurts to remember
We can fight to hold on
But August is gone
And even if the sun falls
I hope we don't lose it all
'Cause no summer lasts forever
Just blame it on September
We drew hearts there in the sand
Laughed when waves erased our plans
No, we never knew
But they told the truth
I can still hear our laughing friends
As we sneak off again and again
No we never cared
Too young to be scared
[- From: -]
The nights turn colder
Your head's on my shoulder
As summer starts to end
Let's blame it on September
'Cause it hurts to remember
We can fight to hold on
But August is gone
And even if the sun falls
I hope we don't lose it all
'Cause no summer lasts forever
On the beach
In the heat
You know i need that sweet ocean air
I'm gonna go
Where i know we can be alone
I'll wait for you
Wait for you there
Blame it on September
We can try to hold on
But August is gone
Blame it on September
'Cause it hurts to remember
We can fight to hold on
But August is gone
When the sun falls
I hope we don't lose it all
'Cause no summer lasts forever
Lat's blame it on September
Blame it on September
I can still see you standing there
Summer tangled in your hair
Kita mengisi halaman halaman kosong kehidupan kita dengan
denyut nadi. Sesudahnya, kita bertemu bagai angin mengecup pucuk-pucuk daun dan
berlalu begitu mudah. dan kita pun bertemu lagi dengan perasaan yang asing
hingga kita begitu sulit memahami siapa diri kita sebenarnya.
Di ruang kosong yang semula dipenuhi pernik cahaya
matahari, kita bertatap muka penuh gairah. Di penjuru ruang kosong itu
bergantung bola bola rindu penuh warna dan aroma. Bola bola itu bergesekan satu
dengan lain, mengalirkan irama-irama lembut beethoven dan pavarotti. Irama itu
menyayat-nyayat hati kita hingga mengukir potongan sejarah baru. Bagaikan sepasang
angsa putih yang menari-nari di bawah gemerlapan cahaya langit, sejarah itu terus
ditulisi berkepanjangan. Akan tetapi, setiap perjalanan, pasti ada ujungnya. Setiap
pelayaran, pasti ada pelabuhan singgahnya. Setiap cuaca benderang ditingkahi
temaram, bahkan kegelapan.
Kita bagaikan tak punya pilihan saat berada di persimpangan
tak bertanda. Syukurlah, kita tak pernah kehilangan arah tempat bertuju di
perjalanan berikutnya. Hidup ini penuh gurindam dan bidal Melayu yang memagari
ruang dan langkah kita menuju titik terjauh yang harus dilompati.
Apa perasaanmu kini? Kautelan kesendirian itu dikejauhan
sambil berharap matahari akan bercahaya segera menerangi kisi kisi hati yang
tersapu luka rindu. Andai kita bisa menolak gumpal awan dan menyeruakkan
matahari kembali, begitulah takdir yang hendak kita bentangkan di kitab sejarah
sepanjang masa. Tetapi, kita akan cepat lelah. Menyeruakkan awan untuk menyembulkan
garang matahari bukanlah hal yang mudah. Kita butuh sejuta cakar dan tangan
untuk menaklukkan segenap awan dan matahri itu.
Garis panjang waktu itu mendedahkan
kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang sulit diraba. Banyak ancaman yang siap mengepung
hingga merobek tabir kesetiaan. Ya, kesetiaan tak kasatmata. Hanya ada di bilik
Fakhrunnas M.A. Jabbar